developing and producing natural sustainable solutions including next level natural pharmaceuticals, feed additives and premixes

Immuno Propophyt Pet

Natural Immunity Enhancer 








100% Natural Oral Solution

The weakness and inefficiency of the immune system in pets such as dogs, cats and companion birds makes the animal prone to viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections and leads to a decrease in the quality of life and a decrease in lifespan. Strengthening and improving the immune system in shelters and boarding houses where several pets live together due to the ease of transmission of viral diseases such as infectious peritonitis, panleukopenia, feline leukemia, parvovirus, distemper, feline immunodeficiency virus , herpes virus, calcivirus and many other viral and bacterial diseases is essential.

The use of herbal syrup, immunoprophyt, to strengthen immunity in young and old animals, animals with Cushing’s disease and diabetes, animals under corticosteroid therapy and antibiotic therapy, pregnant animals, animals under stress and cats with immunodeficiency syndrome (feline AIDS) and leukemia is highly recommended to prevent secondary and opportunistic viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

Immuno Propophyt is a natural innovational drug which blends the most powerful immunity enhancer ingredients that nature has to offer. Immuno Propophyt’s formula is engineered in a way that brings out each components maximum potential resulting in improved immunity system, minimized infection and faster recovery.

Active Ingredients:

  • Propolis Extract
  • Echinacea purpurea Extract
  • Licorice Extract

Mechanism of action:

Propolis is a natural resinous glue-like mixture produced by honey bees from substances collected from multiple plant sources and is used as a natural defense to protect hive against invaders and infectious diseases. Myriad of biological activities, such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal and immune stimulatory effects are attributed to Propolis and its chemical composition, such as flavonoids, aromatic acids, diterpene acids and phenolic compounds. Propolis has immune stimulating effect by activating B and T lymphocytes and increased antibody production and phagocytosis. Also Propolis is a powerful antioxidant. This effect is due to its high concentration of phenolics and other antioxidant compounds.

Echinacea has antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects and regulates the immune system. These effects are due to its high concentration of Alkamides, Phenolic Compounds, Glycoproteins and polysaccharides. This plant stimulates cell-mediated immunity and improves immune function by increasing T lymphocytes, NK-cells, phagocytes, leukocytes function and increasing the synthesis of interferon. Echinacea extract also acts as a hematinic agent and improves hemoglobin synthesis resulting in increased RBC count which itself benefits immune system.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has a long history of medicinal use in treatment of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. Glycyrrhizic acid and Glycyrrhizin are the most effective components in licorice extract. Glycyrrhizic acid pharmacological effects include anti-inflammation, anti-ulcer, immune modulatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial and anti-viral effects. Glycyrrhizic acid also improves immune response against bacterial and viral infections (like Newcastle disease). Glycyrrhizin enhances cellular immune response by helping the maturation of T lymphocytes. One of the key benefits of licorice is its gastrointestinal effect. Licorice prevents and treats gastrointestinal ulcers by its anti-peptic effects and increasing the excretion of mucus.

Immuno Propophyt Indications:

  • Improved immune system
  • Improved vaccine efficiency
  • Prevention of viral or bacterial infection
  • Prevention of viral disease outbreak
  • Decreased shedding of virus after infection
  • Decreased severity of symptoms and faster recovery
  • Prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Treats bronchitis and upper respiratory tract symptoms
  • Decreased mortality rate

Recommended Daily Dosage:

Companion Birds    1-3 drops

Pet 0.5 cc or 10 drops/ 10 kg BW

Drug Interaction:

Compatible with all kinds of commonly used drugs, additives and vaccines

Withdrawal Period:

No withdrawal period is required.

Storage Conditions:

Store in a dry place at 25ºC and away from direct sunlight.

Seal the bottle after each use.

Keep out of reach of children.


250 cc and 30 cc bottles

Expiration Date:

24 months from production date